Sculpture Details and Ice Options

Sculpture sizing, design options, additional ice services and items. Pricing includes ice, labor, driptray, lighting, delivery/setup within 30 mins of 45750. Additional charges for locations outside 30 mins.

Single Block Sculpture - $300

A single block ice sculpture, using a 300lb clear ice block, starting dimensions of 40" x 20" x 10". Depending on requested design, 2 styles can be used. One, the sculpture will be cut away from the block resulting in a sculpture in the size of said dimensions. Or two, the block will be cut into different parts depending on design, each part carved individually, then fused together resulting in a sculpture size based off design.

*Pickup/setup/light your own sculpture - $250

Multiple Block Sculptures - $450+

A multi block sculpture consists of using two 300lb blocks at a base price of $300 plus $150 for each additional block used. Using multiple blocks for a single sculpture gives the design more possibilities and allows the sculpture to increase in size vertically or horizontally. With ice bigger is more impressive!

300lb Clear Ice Block - $75

Using my ClearIce300 block making machine, a 300lb clear ice block takes 60hrs to produce. Once trimmed, the dimensions are 40" x 20" x 10". Full uncarved blocks can be purchased and can be used in any way desired, whether you want to carve your own sculpture, cut into slabs for martial arts events, or create your own affordable ice luge for a party! *Delivery included within 30 mins of 45750.

Encased Objects Inside Ice - +$25

Using a specialized jig amd freezing method, certain *objects can be frozen inside an ice block during the freezing process. The block can then be carved around the object giving the sculpture a unique and personalized style. *There is no guarantee that any item frozen inside the ice will be usable once melted, and take no responsibility upon damaged items during the freezing process.

Color Logo Options- Option Coming Soon!

Have your company logo, in color, encased inside ice and presented in sculpture form.

2 Dimensional/Small Logo Ice Sculptures - $200+

This option is for a smaller, logo style ice sculpture. Using half of a block, an 8” x 20” slab will be cut for a base leaving a 32” x 20” x 4” work surface to carve your logo or design. This works best for 2-D designs, logos, or objects only requiring 4” of depth.

Luge Option - +$25

The highlight of any party, turn any sculpture into a workable ice luge! Depending on design, a tube can be frozen into a block, or a hole can be drilled and the tube inserted into the sculpture creating a fully functional ice luge one can pour drinks into the top and catch them ice cold out the bottom or side. All luge additions come with a funnel for easy pouring.

Cocktail Ice Cubes - $ based on Volume

Clear spheres, clear large cubes, custom sizing! The ideal ice cube for your signature cocktail. A single clear ice cube's benefits: presentation- wow your guests with an upscale look, quality- clear ice melts slower resulting in less diluting of high end spirits while chilling your drink, volume- ice to liquid displacement gives you the opportunity use special glassware while giving an appearance of more volume.

Ice Show/Live Carving*- additional +$150, Contact for details

Book an ice show or live carving* at your party or event! Pricing based off location and designs. General raw carving time is 3 to 4 hrs for a single block sculpture, start to finish. Pre-carved options are available where the sculpture is partially pre-carved to speed up live carving time. *Live carvings come with loud noise of saws and grinders, and spraying of snow and water.